Thursday, July 05, 2007

Our 4th of July

Well, I woke up with an itchy red rash and didn't want to venture out. DH was working and then heading to a concert afterwards so DS and I were by ourselves. We met up later with my parents and went out for quick Italian and back to their house to view fireworks. Shortly thereafter my sister and her family showed up with fireworks and the fun began. Thanks Uncle B for putting on a great display for me and the kids to enjoy. The kids did sparklers and danced around the driveway. I was busy snapping photos to scrap later on. After the fireworks ran out and the mosquitoes decide to eat us up we went inside for ice cream. My 4th was fun spending time with my family. We missed DH but he got a better offer to attend Arch Angel concert with a buddy. There is always next time.

Today I visited the Doctor and was given two shots to help control this uncontrollable itch. He referred my to an allergist, so next week I will be seeing him. I am a little nervous and anxious because I don't know what to expect. Next week is full of doctor appointments-eye, allergist and dentist.
Hope you had a great fourth!

1 comment:

  1. hey girl, this is really cool. You are doing a great job, we need to get together so that you can show me how to do it. I will defintely keep checking in to see how your summer is going. See you later!


Thank you for leaving me a message! Have a great day!