Friday, August 10, 2007

Nice Does Matter

Theresa from Garden Antiques has tagged me with the "Nice Matter's" Award. Thanks Theresa, what an honor, even though I'm not sure that I deserve this! The mission of this tag is to pick 7 blogger friends with this award. What a hard task since I visit a lot of blogs and consider them all my favorites. I've decided to pick the following so that you can get to know them:

1. Terri of Lakewood Manor

2. Cindy of Romantic Home

3. Gayla of Oatmeal and Whimsy

4. Julie of Equusvilla

5. Christy of Bon Bon Boutique

6. Tommiea of Tuesday Update

Please take a moment to visit their blogs. They are all unique in their own rights and you won't be disappointed. Just remember, you may be there several hours because they are all so interesting!


  1. Thanks Cynthia. I will get to work on this this weekend.

  2. How sweet!
    Thank you for the nice compliment!

  3. Cynthia-thanks so much. I started my blog soley for the purpose of keeping family and a deployed spouse up to date with us. I never imagined anyone else would care enough to read much less comment. I will take some time and read these other blogs this weekend.

    thanks so much!

  4. Thanks Cynthia for the compliment! I'm going to go visit some of the others you listed.

  5. Linked to you from Tommiea's site. She gave me the award. I will be stopping by from time to time.


Thank you for leaving me a message! Have a great day!