Sunday, August 26, 2007

Our First Day

of school is tomorrow. Both my DS and I have butterflies in our stomachs. He is worried about his new teacher because we missed "Meet the Teacher" due to me having to work at my school. He has a couple of boys in his class that he plays sports with. I know his teacher is going to have her hands full with them! I have butterflies due to the stress of do I have everything ready to go tomorrow. A couple of parents showed up for my "Meet the Teacher". I work at a heavily populated Spanish speaking school so many of my parents don't speak or speak very little English and makes communicating difficult. I talk using simple language and use gestures a lot. If you saw me, you would think I was playing a game of charades!

Well, I'm off to get a good nights rest!


  1. Hope your first day is as good as mine was! I too have a large Spanish speaking population!


Thank you for leaving me a message! Have a great day!