Sunday, December 23, 2007

Thrifty Finds

This weeks finds. A nice red bushel basket. A sports garland for DS tree. Two spools of ribbon. A photo holder.
Pretty ornaments, gingerbread men salt and pepper shakers and a pair of holiday socks.


  1. Very nice finds. I especially like the gingerbread salt and pepper shakers.

    By the way, Cynthia,
    You are invited to visit the nativity scenes gallery posted Dec. 23 at Oak Rise Cottage blog. The collection includes over 50 countries from the various continents. Each nativity set expresses the story of Christ’s birth according to the perspective of the artist:
    Hope to see you soon,

  2. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas! Love the build a monkey!


Thank you for leaving me a message! Have a great day!