Friday, April 18, 2008

Fun Friday

1. The last time I lost my temper I had to walk away and calm down!
2. Children not listening,being selfish and rude is what I'm fed up with!
3. The next book I'd like to read is Miss Julia Takes Over by Ann B Ross.
4. My family reunion in May is what I'm looking forward to.
5. If you can't get rid of the skeleton(s) in your closet, better lock the door!
6. The best thing I got in the mail recently was a scrapbook kit from Little Red Scrapbook.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to hanging around the house with my son, tomorrow my plans include shopping, a Laser Quest birthday party and picnic while watching Peter Pan at the Miller Outdoor theater and Sunday, I want to attend church and baseball practice.

A co-worker and I always pass in the hall at the same time at lunch time. She's leaving with her kids and I am dropping mine off. We always admire each others outfits and ask about what new items we have purchased and have you seen the latest catalog from such and such store. We like the same kinds of things. Well, this sweet lady surprised me by giving me a reward card for one of my favorite shopping destinations, Talbot's. I am so excited! I can't wait to go shopping. So I have a gift card from DH and this reward card I might do some damage!

Not much fun this afternoon. We had a lock down situation at our school. In case you don't know what that is, we had to secure all outside doors and get the kids huddled together with the lights off and be quiet because there is something outside that is not safe. My kids were scared. I calmly explained what we were doing and that we must practice just like a fire drill. We were this way for about 30 minutes. I could hear the police helicopters circling the school and I just started praying silently for our safety. At the end of the 30 minutes we were all safe and sound and the kids acted like nothing had happened. There was a police chase in the neighborhood. That's all I know right now.

I hope you all have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. They do lockdowns here in So. CA too and my kids have been through that experience, safely I'm happy to say. I'm so glad that you and your students are safe and sound!



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