Friday, April 04, 2008

Today is School Librarian Day

School Librarian Day honors those who serve our young students so well in the local school libraries. The education of young minds needs to be nurtured and fed. Feeding those minds with good quality, yet challenging reading material and reference materials is what school librarians excel at.
Take a minute today, to appreciate all the hard work that a school librarian does daily, and the patience the librarian displays, as he or she aids our youth. You may choose to show your appreciation to School Librarians in a variety of ways, including:
Give the librarian a big smile and a big "Thank You!"
Tell you librarian that she is doing a wonderful job.
Send an Ecard
Buy an age appropriate book or reference material, and donate it to the library

Since I work at a school, my classroom honored our Librarian by making her cards that stated how much we appreciate her hard work. If I could go back to school, I would definitely become a school librarian. I so wish I had stayed longer and gotten my masters to be able to share the love of books with lots of children. Oh well, maybe when my son goes to college we can go together.

Have a fabulous weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Nice post!
    [I spent four years as a secondary school librarian in Texas.]


Thank you for leaving me a message! Have a great day!