Here are some thrifted items that I had purchased a long time but have never gotten around to posting them. I was thrilled to find 3 Milk Glass footed bowls, not sure of the correct term. The bluebonnet flutes I gave to my sister to clutter up her kitchen. I love you sis! Her kitchen is decorated in bluebonnets and since she has acres of counter space she can use some clutter.
What treasures have you found lately?
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
Menu Planning
What a fabulous weekend we had. Friday night we went to the Rice vs Memphis baseball game. I love the atmosphere at the university ball park. The Rice Owls ended up losing but we had a great time. Saturday our son had a baseball game and they won 11-2. His team has won their first two games! Our son pitched two scoreless innings. We are so proud of him! Saturday we attended a family wedding. It was a beautiful event. The reception was filled with food, dancing and drinking! The bride was Greek so it was interesting to learn some new customs and dances!
Here is our plan for the week:
Monday: Chicken Caccitore and so sort of vegetable
Tuesday: Spaghetti and so sort of vegetable
Wednesday: Out after sons game
Thursday: Pizza and salad
Friday: Mom and son date night. He gets to pick!
Check out for more menu ideas!
Have a great week!
Friday, March 13, 2009
Friday Fun
1. When I look to the left, I see books.
2. The living room is the room that has the best view in my home.
3. Let it work itself out.
4. Never have anything done dirt cheap!
5. Recycling is a responsibility that all qualified citizens must share.
6. If you have any comments feel free to share the love.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to shopping, tomorrow my plans include a Bridal Shower that I am co hosting and Sunday, I want to pack for our trip and have dinner with the in laws!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Face Book
I have been reconnecting with old and new friends. Thanks to my sister who got my hooked on it. I have been spending time over there and have neglected my blog this week. Give me a few days and I will settled down.
Friday, March 06, 2009
Friday Fun
1. A few moments ago was my last random act of kindness.
2. Another place another time.
3. I try to be wise in matters of the heart.
4. Coffee, tea or ME.
5. We do take separate paths.
6. Our son reminds me that there is a future.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to a new haircut, tomorrow my plans include taking the boys to a sports camp and then out to my sisters to plan a Bridal Shower and Sunday, I want to catch up on my reading and then attend my sons baseball game!
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
March Pay It Forward Book Exchange
Just three seconds. The time it takes to make a decision. That's all that lies between settling for "Whatever" ... or insisting on "Whatever it takes."3 Seconds shows how to unleash the inner resources that can move you to a whole new level of success. It comes down to six predictable impulses that most of us automatically accept without a second thought. You can replace them with new impulses that lead toward impact and significance.
Quit Stewing and Start Doing: The First Impulse: "Someday I'm going to do that." The Second Impulse: "I'm diving in ... starting today."
Fuel Your Passion: The First Impulse: "I'll do what happens to come my way." The Second Impulse: "I'll do what I'm designed to do."
Inhale ... exhale ... the difference of your lifetime can begin in the space of a single breath. The decision is yours. Start today.
Here are the rules to enter. Yes, there are some rules!
1.If you win this book you must host a giveaway on your blog. If you don't have a blog then you will give the book to a local shelter, library, etc.
2.You do not need a blog to participate. If you don't have one just please leave your e-mail so that in the event you should win I can get a hold of you.
3.You need to leave a comment to this post by Tuesday, March 24.
4.I will randomly draw a name on Wednesday, March 25 and post the winner here. Also, I will contact the winner by e-mail or blog.
Please click over to Overwhelmed with Joy to see the many other book exchanges happening this month.
For instance, it takes Three Seconds to ...
Disown Your Helplessness: The First Impulse: "There's nothing I can do about it." The Second Impulse: "I can't do everything, but I can do something."
Disown Your Helplessness: The First Impulse: "There's nothing I can do about it." The Second Impulse: "I can't do everything, but I can do something."
Quit Stewing and Start Doing: The First Impulse: "Someday I'm going to do that." The Second Impulse: "I'm diving in ... starting today."
Fuel Your Passion: The First Impulse: "I'll do what happens to come my way." The Second Impulse: "I'll do what I'm designed to do."
Inhale ... exhale ... the difference of your lifetime can begin in the space of a single breath. The decision is yours. Start today.
Here are the rules to enter. Yes, there are some rules!
1.If you win this book you must host a giveaway on your blog. If you don't have a blog then you will give the book to a local shelter, library, etc.
2.You do not need a blog to participate. If you don't have one just please leave your e-mail so that in the event you should win I can get a hold of you.
3.You need to leave a comment to this post by Tuesday, March 24.
4.I will randomly draw a name on Wednesday, March 25 and post the winner here. Also, I will contact the winner by e-mail or blog.
Please click over to Overwhelmed with Joy to see the many other book exchanges happening this month.
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
Thrifty Finds
Picked this clear platter up at Goodwill. I have another one that I bought last year just like it. Can you ever have too many glass platters? I enjoy taking treats to school to share with my team on these platters. It has a nice lip around the edge so nothing will fall off and if for some reason it did break I would be out $5.oo. A lot less than my crystal I received at my wedding.
Speaking of weddings I have one coming up that I need to get a gift. However, the registry is so expensive. I am having a hard time justifying spending $150 for a place setting of china. All that is left in my price range is cooking utensils. I can't show up with one pair of tongs or slotted spoon. Any creative ideas?
Monday, March 02, 2009
Menu Planning and a Giveaway
We had a fabulous weekend. Spending time with family and friends is so therapeutic for me. We had a baseball scrimmage game and the boys did quite well. We have another one tonight and practice on Wednesday so my menu is sparse since we will be eating on the run or late.
Here is our plan:
Monday: Out since we have a baseball scrimmage
Tuesday: Chicken Alfredo Pesto Pasta-a recipe from last week that didn't get made
Wednesday: Out since we have baseball
Thursday: Chicken with Zucchini and Garbanzos
Friday: Out with friends
Please leave a comment to this post to be entered for a chance to win a set of recipe cards. Winner will be announced next Monday.
Thanks for stopping by and have a great week!
Sunday, March 01, 2009
February Pay It Forward Book Exchange Winner
Congratulations to Tamy 3 Sides of Crazy! I will be contacting you soon for your mailing info.
Also, I haven't heard from January's winner yet. If I still don't hear from her by this weekend I will pick a new winner from the list of comments.
Also, I haven't heard from January's winner yet. If I still don't hear from her by this weekend I will pick a new winner from the list of comments.