Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Thrifty Finds

Picked this clear platter up at Goodwill. I have another one that I bought last year just like it. Can you ever have too many glass platters? I enjoy taking treats to school to share with my team on these platters. It has a nice lip around the edge so nothing will fall off and if for some reason it did break I would be out $5.oo. A lot less than my crystal I received at my wedding.
Speaking of weddings I have one coming up that I need to get a gift. However, the registry is so expensive. I am having a hard time justifying spending $150 for a place setting of china. All that is left in my price range is cooking utensils. I can't show up with one pair of tongs or slotted spoon. Any creative ideas?

1 comment:

  1. Many couples who register that way are looking gift cards so that they can get the most bang for their buck. Tie one to a dry soup mix or a package of Beer Bread.


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