Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Tablescape #23 Free Flowers and New Napkins

It's that wonderful time again, Tablescape Thursday! Thanks to Susan over at Between Naps on the Porch for hosting this fun weekly event. Please stop by here blog and check out all the other lovely tables this week.

My table is very simple this week and thrown together at the last minute. I kept going back and forth as to whether or not to do a table. I had these beautiful flowers but no linens to match.

These are my free flowers. On Saturday we attended my cousins 100 party, which is the number of birthdays plus their anniversaries equal to 100, and we stayed towards the end to help clean up and she gave away the centerpieces.

I just love them, but nothing matched in my linen stash. So while out shopping with my girlfriend tonight, we ventured into Dillard's and they had linens on sale!

My table is mismatched with cheap Walmart items to expensive Depression Glass items. Like these footed Adam Depression Glass.

And Adam Depression Glass footed sherbets.

Here are my new napkins from Dillard's. I just came home and threw this table together.

Dinner plates are from Walmart, stainless is wedding gift from Onieda.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great Tablescape Thursday!


  1. With those lovely flowers, the rest of the tablescape is easy. Thank you for sharing your charming design. Cherry Kay

  2. Following your blog~love the flowers and pink glass.

  3. I love mixing Depression Glass with everything! Pretty tablescape ... love the glasses!

  4. When you start with such a lovely centerpiece, have the battle is won already, isn't it? The flowers are beautiful! I love how you found the right dishes and linens to enhance it.

  5. What a great idea for a party! I think the flowers set the mood and the rest fits perfectly. Simple and elegant...

  6. Pretty flowers and of course beautiful Adam pink depression glass makes it special. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Greetings! I just became a Follower. I love your table - everything looks so pretty and classy! Love your new napkins also.
    Best regards,

  8. Very pretty table...the flowers really standout beautifully.


Thank you for leaving me a message! Have a great day!