Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Book Resolutions and Chick Lit Book Challenge

Did you make any resolutions this year? I have made some book resolutions. Here they are:

1. Read more than I did in 2008. I only read 23 books in 2008.

2. I will read at least 20 books from my TBR pile/shelf/stack.

3. I will read at least 2 new genres of YA and Cozy Mystery each month.

4. I will keep track of the books I have read.

Sounds pretty easy!

While surfing the blogosphere I found A Novel Challenge blog. This blog is the place to find your next reading challenge. She had listed all the reading challenges available for readers. I have looked through several and decided to participate in a few.

The first challenge I want to let you know that I will be participating in is the Chick Lit Challenge. This is right up my alley! I love this genre and have stacks of books around the house so no buying new books. Yeah right!

January 1-December 31, 2009

Twiga at Books and Life is hosting the second installation of the Chick lit Challenge. The rules are:

1. Read at least 10 Chick lit books.

2. Books can overlap with other challenges.

3. You can change your list at any time.

To sign up visit Twiga and leave her a comment on the post about the challenge.

Here is my list for the Chick Lit Challenge:

1.Flyover States by Grace Grant and P J MacAllister

2.Fashionistas byLynn Messina

3. Me vs Me by Sarah Mlynowski

4. Starting From Square Two by Caren Lissner

5. Inappropriate Men by Stacey Ballis

6. Milkrun by Sarah Mlynowski

7. Slightly Single by Wendy markham

8. Tart by Jody Gehrman

9. Hanging by a Thread by Karen Templeton

10. Let's Meet on Platform 8 by Carole Matthews


  1. You might like this site then ( let you review any book you have read or read what others are saying before you buy.

  2. Good job! Read more chick lit in '09! This message brought to you by Caren. ;)


Thank you for leaving me a message! Have a great day!