Head on over to Confessions of an Apron Queen to participate.
This is the post from her site:
In 1928, Herbert Hoover promised “a chicken in every pot & a car in every garage”… Today, I’m promising a vintage apron around every waist!
Rick Rack Attack is moving on up! A year ago, if you Googled “vintage aprons”, Rick Rack Attack was literally on the 200th page. I bet ya’ll didn’t even know there was 200 page results for “vintage aprons”. Today, Rick Rack Attack has climbed to the 4th page on Google. I am absolutely tickled with our growth & success. But, I don’t want to stop until we’re on the 1st page!
Unfortunately, I am sorely lacking in an important area in search engine placement- other websites & blogs with links to Rick Rack Attack. So, this is where ya’ll come in. I need your help! And I’m not ashamed to ask for it! And I’ll even bribe ya’ll with vintage aprons to help me shamelessly promote my website.
Here’s the deal… If you place the above button on your blog or your website & link to Rick Rack Attack, I’ll mail you a free vintage apron! How easy is that?!
Head on over to Confessions of an Apron Queen to participate.
Your button is correctly placed & linked! Thank you! Send me an e-mail at jmlsdi3 at yahoo dot com with your BLOG NAME and mailing address to receive your vintage apron! Lisa
Is this fun or what!? What a clever and creative way to advertise! I'm having a Giveaway that ends tomorrow at Midnight. I'll be sure to hook with this right after that. Thanks for letting us know!
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