Friday, November 30, 2007
Friday Fill In
2. I saw the most amazing person this morning.
3. P.S. I love You is the new movie I'm most looking forward to seeing. (I read the book and loved it!)
4. Work: Necessary and Fun
5. Of all the new TV shows, I enjoy my old favorite, Grey's Anatomy, the most.
6. If only the weekends were longer and the work week shorter.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to dinner and shoe shopping, tomorrow my plans include a day in Galveston picking up my parents from the cruise ship terminal, a teacher holiday workshop and Dickens on the Strand Festival and Sunday, I am having lunch with the girls and hopefully finish decorating my house.
** My responses are the bolded words. You can play along just post your answers on your site and let me know that you played so that I can comes read yours**
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Thursday Thirteen~Children Christmas Books

Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Fun Birthday Party

Waiting to get into the cars.

My DS was the first in the line up.

My DS acting like he is cool.

My DS in burnt orange Texas colors and his friend Alex in maroon Aggie colors. Needless to say Texas lost to Texas A & M in the football game that day. We were shocked.

My DH and Johanna last in the line up. Johanna drove like a turtle and DH was super fast.
DH with his winning ribbon.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Game Night~Uno

Here is how to play:
Each player is dealt 7 cards with the remaining ones placed face down to form a "draw" pile. The top card of the draw pile is turned over to begin a "discard" pile. The first player has to match the card in the discard pile either by number, color or word. For example, if the card is a red 7, player must throw down a red card or any color 7. Or the player can throw down a Wild Card. If the player doesn't have anything to match, he must pick a card from the draw pile. If he can play what is drawn, great. Otherwise play moves to the next person. When you have one card left, you must yell "UNO" (meaning one). Failure to do this results in you having to pick two cards from the draw pile. That is, of course if you get caught by the other players. Once a player has no cards left, the hand is over. Points are scored and you start over again.
Number Of Players: 2 to 10
Recommended Ages: 7 and up
Monday, November 26, 2007
Pumpkin Pie Crunch Cake

Sunday, November 25, 2007
Thrifty Finds~Christmas Ornaments

Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Game Night~Magnetic Darts

Staying up late to catch up on my DVR shows and sleeping in tomorrow morning til 7:30. No work or school for us here. I do have to get up to take Devil Dog to doggy care. Later DS and I are meeting a cousin at his school to have lunch with since we are off and he has school. Something we rarely get to do. Then after school we are going to the movies and then a family dinner with my parents and sister's family.
Have a great day tomorrow!
Monday, November 19, 2007
Soccer Season

My DS getting ready to defend the goal.

Sunday, November 18, 2007
Thrifty Finds~Pyrex

This is going in my scrapbook room filled with treats after I clean it real good! People feeder $2.00.

Saturday, November 17, 2007
Pay It Forward Book Exchange Winner